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Poems for Company - March 27th, 2023
"Unrequited Love," Part One: Poets respond in a variety of ways when their strong desires for another are not returned: from anger to bewilderment...
Poems for Company, February 27 2023
"Unlived Lives": What prompted you to make personal life-altering choices? Do you believe a sky-god or some other cosmic force oversees your personal choices? ...
Poems For Company, January 23 2023
"Dogs in Homer, Homer's Dog, Other Dogs." What truths about dogs did Homer know nearly 3000 years ago? If Homer lived with a dog,...
Poems For Company, December 26 2022
What do you think of the remarks by the old people you know? Do they offer wisdom? Do they complain? Are they forward-looking? Are...
Poems For Company, November 28 2022
How do we respond to the birds in our community? What do they tell us about ourselves? This show features eight poems: Emily Dickinson,...
Poems For Company, October 24 2022
Do we imagine the dead as content in their zone, or do they express anxieties about how the world of the living functions in...